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Women's Ceremony: Leo with Ella

Women's Ceremony: Leo w...
Ella  G...
les wordt gegeven doorElla Giljam

Women's Ceremony
a women's circle to re-connect with our self & sisterhood

On the 24th of July we are celebrating the start of Leo season. A beautiful moment to come together as a group of women and work with the energy of Leo.

The female archetype connected to this zodiac is the Queen — She is a natural leader, spontaneously leading from a place of self-love. She is the shining star of her own life, full of self-love, self-confidence, self-worth and self-acceptance and she radiates and inspires others by shining her light. During this ceremony we will work with the energy of Leo; setting our intentions for the new zodiac season and connect with the archetype.

The Women's Ceremonies are designed as monthly gatherings that offer a space for self-connection, gaining insights, and guidance on your personal journey and life path. These sessions are held in the company of a wonderful group of like-minded souls.

Coming together as a group of women can be really uplifting, empowering and motivating. In ancient times this was part of the women’s mysteries. Priestesses and witches (both wise women) were doing this regularly. Because of the patriarch this was banned from culture. Women could no longer come together as it was dangerous. It is time to restore the women’s mysteries and experience the power of women coming together. 

A combination of (embodiment) practices, sharing and teachings. Ella is combining astrology, shamanism, breathwork and tantric practices during this ceremony. Every ceremony holds a combination of different tools and rituals that are connect to the theme for the evening.

About Ella

Ella started to walk the path of Shamanism back in 2019, when she started with Shamanic Astrology where she still is a student. This was the beginning, her interest in Shamanism was born. In 2021 she found the right place and teacher to go deeper into the ancient wisdom and last April she became a certified Shamanic Practitioner. She completed her training with Ron Townsend at Definest in Almere, who is trained by Sandra Ingerman herself, who is a great inspiration to Ella. Last September she did her first training into Shamanic Breathwork with Linda Star Wolf and to dive deeper into breathwork she joined the first breathwork coach training at De Nieuwe Yogaschool. 

Since the start of the training she tries to implement Shamanism in her work and daily life and with that her fascination for nature started to grow. Living in connection with the natural cycles of Land & Sky, honoring the elements and in contact with (her) helping Spirits is part of who she is. (

This circle will be in Dutch or English depending on the women in the circle. All are welcome!
Wear something that makes you feel comfortable and beautiful. 

Date: Wednesday 24 July, 2024
Time: 19.30 - 21.30 hr
Place: De Nieuwe Yogaschool, Amsterdam
Price: 40,00
